Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day Storm

While global warming has starved Vermont of significant snowfall for much of this winter, it seems that cupid's arrow did the trick. Here in Montpelier, we got over 2 feet of snow. Stuck at home with the love of my life on Valentine's Day. Not a bad deal. We did get out to enjoy the blizzard a bit. This is a picture taken from State Street of the new bridge Langdon Street Bridge. There is something so incredibly peaceful about world blanketed in snow. The bridge seemed like an appropriate metaphor for a country that needs to cross over some mucky waters to make the changes necessary to bring about world where snow adds to the peace instead of covering up the a world at war.

Everyone, both human and canine seemed eager to get out and enjoy the snow day. Humans need to be reminded that mother nature is more powerful and far more romantic than a Hallmark holiday. That's Robb and dog Ella playing in the growing snowpile outside our house. She was so excited about this massive blanket of snow and had no fear of jumping in piles that were three times her height. They're pretty cute, aren't they.?

Not to be the grinch that stole Valentine's Day, but global warming, or more accurately climate change, is still very much a reality. It is, however, comforting to see that a nor'easter can still make it through all those carbon fumes.


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